Media Page
Contained on this page are various printouts and other media that we use to help share the story of Freedom Reigns Ranch. Anything contained on this page may be used online, in print, video, etc. at will. Please do not modify documents, shorten or link quotes, or edit videos for any purpose without expressed permission by emailing theranch@freedomreignsranch.com. Additionally, if you have a specific need to help tell the story of Freedom Reigns Ranch, we are happy to provide that for you. Please email us to request a document.
2023 Year-End Documents/Statistics
(Right-click>save on image to download that image: 2023 herd photo)

Photos and Testimonial Graphics
Images have descriptions that may be used in publications. Photographs on this page have been given copyright release to be used in publications when written permission (via email) is obtained from Freedom Reigns Ranch. All pictured participants/volunteers have given express permission to be photographed.
Please email theranch@freedomreignsranc.com for permission to use.

Promo Video (length: 5m. 59sec.)
Giving Links/IRS Form 990's
Freedom Reigns Ranch is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible. FEIN:81-4634781
Give online on our website: www.freedomreignsranch.com
Via VENMO: @FreedomReignsRanch (ph. x3783)
Paypal: paypal.me/FreedomReignsTN
Mail to: 2080 Arthur Hardison Rd, Columbia, TN 38401
Phone/In-Kind Donations: 615-721-2550
Facebook: Facebook.com/freedomreignsranch
Instagram: @freedomreignsranch
IRS Form 990: (most recent year: 2023)
We are a platinum rated nonprofit on Candid/Guidestar in addition to being a top-rated nonprofit at GreatNonprofits. Additionally we have been reviewed by The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, will qualify for review by Charity Navigator for 2022 (posted in 2023), are a member of the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce, and a member of a variety of equine wellfare and rehoming organizations.
Our annual budgets and spending down to the penny are readily provided upon request. We are proud of our management of resources and gifts and steward each dollar with great intentionality.
Email us at theranch@freedomreignsranch.com for 990's from prior years.
Click on photo to check out the articles!
Thompsons Station Lifestyle, January 2023
Brentwood Lifestyle,
August 2022
Williamson Herald,
July 2022
Kavellerie Interview
September 2021
Eventing Nation - Nonprofit Spotlight
June 2021
Click on photo to check out the video!
Tennessee's Wild Side, November 2022
Moto Mission on KLove On Demand