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Before entering please download and thoroughly read both pages of the classlists here:

2023Horse Show Class Form.png

Show updates (including info aboutspecial contests and prizes) will be featured on our event page on Facebook.  Click here to go out our event page!

If you have any issue with the form below, please call us: 615-721-2550

We will send a confirmation of your entry by noon on the first business day following today.We will also send an email with all show details, including estimated class counts on April 18, 2024.

9th Annual Charity Horse Show

ONE FORM PER HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION, please. Signed waiver and coggins must accompany this form or it will not be accepted.

Download waiver here!


CLOSING DATE: April 15, 2024. (You must have your entry form, coggins, signed waiver, and planned classes in by 4/15/24, along with payment for those classes/office fee. You may add/scratch onsite. Late entries will not be accepted.)


Show is rain or shine. We will only cancel in the event of imminent storms. If we cancel, refunds will be offered. There is no rain date. In the event of rain one day and clear weather the next, the show schedule will run as planned. Days will not be combined. GROUNDS OPEN AT 8am Saturday and 9am Sunday  and close one hour after the last class ends. No schooling on Saturday for Sunday's shows and vice versa. Show out of trailer only/no stabling available.

Upload File
Upload File

Documents must be loaded as .pdf to be submitted

Classes: $20 each

Office Fee: $10/rider


Classes may be added/scratched at the show. We'd prefer you enter planned classes and scratch if needed to help everyone with estimating the times classes might start. Refunds for scratched classes will be issued upon request. 

Select each class you will show in. If not showing on the designated day, select "I'm NOT showing any Saturday/Sunday classes" for that list. Form will not submit unless at least one option is selected for each day!

Saturday Classes
Sunday Classes:
Saturday Classes
Saturday Classes

Meal Ticket Option: $12 each

(includes ham/cheeseburger, chips, cookie, and gatorade)

Must be purchased ahead of time. 
If not getting any meals, please select  0


If submit button is not shown below, it means your Coggins image, Coggins verification date, and waiver are not loaded. They must be loaded to register!

If button will not submit, it is because you have not made a selection for BOTH Saturday AND Sunday classes. If not showing one of the two days please select "I Am NOT showing any Saturday/Sunday Classes" for the day you are not showing. Or you have left a field blank. Please ensure every field has a response.

Thank you for helping us make a difference by participating in our Charity Horse Show.
We will send a confirmation of your entry by noon on the first business day following today.
We will also send an email with all show details, including estimated class counts on April 18, 2024.

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